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Doc Store

WCA’s Store will be undergoing maintenance on April 25 and 26, 2024. Users may be unable to purchase documents through the store during this time. Please contact if you need to make an order, or come back on Monday, April 29.

WCA has participated with the Canadian Construction Association in the development of standard construction documents. The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) series of documents are endorsed by the construction, engineering and architecture community and are high respected documents, contracts and guides. WCA members are encouraged to use CCDC and CCA documents whenever possible.

WCA also offers a range of best practice guides from the Canadian Design-Build Institute.

CCDC Documents

The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) is a national joint committee responsible for the development, production and review of standard Canadian construction contracts, forms and guides. The full complement of CCDC products and seals can be purchased from the WCA.

Order CCDC Documents

CCA Documents

CCA helps you simplify the way you conduct business and save time and money with its standard contract documents that are up-to-date, easy to understand and familiar to all parties.

Order CCA Documents

CDBI Documents

One of the objectives of the Canadian Design-Build Institute is to recommend ‘best practices’ policies and procedures to support design-build utilization. It is therefore a priority for the Institute to develop a practice manual that provides guidance and recommendations on the successful delivery of design-build.

Order CDBI Documents

Free CCDC 9 Statutory Declarations

Click here to download CCDC 9 Statutory Declaration for free.