WCA BuildWorks is now live

As of 3:00 p.m. today WCA’s new Online Planroom, BuildWorks, is now live!
You should have gotten an email at 3:00 p.m. asking you to set a new password for WCA BuildWorks – if you didn’t receive an email, first off check your junk folder – if you still can’t find it can access BuildWorks here and request your password through the “Forgot Password” button.
If you’ve previously bookmarked the old BuildWorks Canada URL, we recommend updating that bookmark to the new URL (https://login.onlineplanservice.com/login.aspx?sender=WCAO).
We appreciate your patience as we make this transition. We’re confident the new and improved BuildWorks will make all our members lives easier!
To help you navigate the new system we’ve also developed some short videos and a training manual to get you started. You can access these resources inside the WCA BuildWorks support centre here.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at cis@winnipegconstruction.ca.