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Fall Golf Recap
The leaves are starting to turn, there’s a chill in the air and NFL football is back on our TVs – which means it was time for WCA’s Annual Fall Golf Tournament! WCA Members and Guests enjoyed what turned into a beautiful day at Lakeview Hecla Golf Course on Thursday, September 5. 144 golfers came out for a great day on the course featuring food, drinks and fun with industry friends.
You can see photos from the event here.
Congratulations to our winning team – Westland Construction made up of Craig Hildebrant, Bryan Trottier, John Henrick and Keith Hooper who took home the honours with a score of -10 (62). They’ll each take home a $150 Golf Town gift card and a box of Titelist ProV1s for their efforts.
Of course the day wouldn’t have been possible without our sponsors – thank you all for your support!
Our other prize winners are:
Longest Drive (Golf Buddy Voice XL)
Women’s: Kerry McWhinney
Men’s : Chris Kirk
Closest to the Pin (Golf Buddy Voice XL)
Women’s: Terri Randall
Men’s: – Keith Steffano
Boxx Modular Draw (Yeti Cooler and Ice Bucket) – email to claim your prize
- Tyler Pchajek
Sunbelt Rentals Draw (Lawn Mower) – email to claim your prize
- Craig Taylor
Gator Draw (Heated Chair) – Please email to claim your prize
- Andrew Urso
- Chris Kirk
Blue tickets – Random Draw Winners – email to claim your prize
#9176888 – Black Waterproof Backpack donated by Xpromo & $100 Dinning Out Winnipeg Gift Card
#9176728 – Teal Yeti Day Trip Lunch Box, $50 dollar WOW gift Certificate
#9176754 – Black Waterproof Backpack donated by Xpromo & Yeti Rambler
#9176865 – Yeti Rambler and Frogger Wet/Dry Towel and Club Brush
The WCA Newsletter for August 30
Catch up on the latest industry news and notes with The WCA Newsletter for August 30.
Manitoba’s Apprenticeship Ratio Reduction: A Setback for Growth and Diversity
This Op-Ed appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press on August 22 – you can see that version here.
by Darryl Harrison
Manitoba’s construction industry is at a crossroads as the provincial government considers changing the apprentice-to-journeyperson ratio from the current 2:1 to 1:1. This proposed shift would significantly reduce apprenticeship opportunities in the province, posing risks to economic growth and efforts to increase diversity within the industry.
Manitoba, along with the rest of Canada, is already facing a construction worker shortage. The province needs an additional 3,000 workers over the next five years to keep pace with the expected housing boom, increased immigration and replacing an aging workforce. Buildforce Canada estimates that 700,000 skilled tradepersons will retire by 2028 across Canada.
The apprenticeship model relies heavily on on-the-job training, where apprentices learn under the guidance of experienced journeypersons. A 2:1 ratio allows a journeyperson to mentor two apprentices, creating a dynamic and supportive learning environment. This not only empowers apprentices but also fosters a safer, more inclusive workplace by balancing the power dynamics between journeypersons and apprentices.
The proposed ratio change also raises concerns for rural and northern areas, where journeypersons are less readily available. A 1:1 ratio would further limit opportunities for apprentices in these regions, exacerbating geographic disparities in workforce development.
This change will also put us out of sync with most of the rest of the country. British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan all have at least a 2:1 ratio. As do the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Newfoundland, PEI and Nova Scotia.
Moving to a 1:1 ratio will almost certainly impact the cost-competitiveness of construction projects. Compulsory trades require either a journeyperson or an apprentice to perform the work. Reducing the ratio will force companies to hire more journeypersons, even when apprentices could competently handle the tasks, driving up labour costs and affecting the overall competitiveness of Manitoba’s construction industry.
The Winnipeg Construction Association (WCA) has obtained legal confirmation that current construction based on standardized construction contracts will face cost increases due to the proposed ratio changes. This is a concerning development for an industry already grappling with inflation and economic uncertainty. Estimates suggest that the ratio change could add 1 to 2% to the cost of large construction projects, burdening both businesses and consumers.
For instance, the City of Winnipeg’s largest construction project, the North End Water Pollution Control Centre (NEWPCC), could see its costs rise by $30 million due to the ratio change. As we know, the City’s current financial position does not put it in a place to easily absorb these const increases.
Manitoba’s construction industry is currently striving to attract more women and individuals from diverse backgrounds. The proposed ratio change threatens these efforts by reducing opportunities for underrepresented groups to enter and thrive in the sector. Construction jobs are fulfilling and well-paying, and limiting access to these careers is a step backward for inclusivity and progress.
Prior to 2021 when Manitoba adopted a 2:1 ratio, the 1:1 ratio posed significant administrative challenges for the Apprenticeship Department. The department received over 100 applications per year for ratio adjustments, a process that was time-consuming but necessary to accommodate individuals seeking to enter the industry. After the ratio changed to 2:1, these applications dropped to just 10 per year, demonstrating the current system’s efficiency in getting people into the workforce.
The consequences of reverting to a 1:1 ratio could be immediate and detrimental—fewer apprentices in the system, reduced support for apprentices on job sites and higher costs for construction projects – including existing government-funded healthcare projects. Fewer apprentices today means fewer journeypersons tomorrow, creating a workforce bottleneck that will stifle industry growth and economic development.
The Provincial Government is currently seeking feedback on the proposed changes. All Manitobans who envision a province that provides fulfilling career opportunities and encourages economic development should provide feedback before the August 29 deadline. Click here to provide feedback on the ratio change.
Let’s ensure that Manitoba remains a place where young people can find opportunities, grow their skills, and contribute to our economy.
Darryl Harrison is the Director and Stakeholder Engagement at the Winnipeg Construction Association (WCA). WCA is a construction industry association that represents Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional construction contractors that employ the women and men that build Manitoba.
The WCA Newsletter for August 2
Catch up on the latest industry news and notes with the August 2 edition of The WCA Newsletter, available here.
Congratulations to the 2024 BST Graduates
WCA’s Building Supervisors for Tomorrow program has been giving up-and-coming and mid-level supervisors the knowledge and confidence they need to move into management roles for over a decade now, and we’re proud to see 25 supervisors from 15 different companies graduate from the program in 2024. These students completed ten different courses that helped them build people skills, technical skills and management skills that will be valuable as they move forward in their careers.
Congratulations to all the graduates! BST will return this October – keep an eye out for the 2024-25 Education Program launch for dates and more information.
Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
Alan Charbonneau, Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc.; Alex Hernandez, Normandeau Roofing Ltd.; Andrew Fehr, Econo Wall & Ceilings Ltd.; Brayde Klassen, Three Way Builders Ltd.; Dag Sinclair, Parkwest Projects Ltd.; Connor Demke, Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc.; Daniel Olson, CSAM; Kelly LaBelle, Troy Life & Fire Safety Ltd.; Graham Coolidge, McCaine Electric Ltd.; Jeremy Sawchyn, PCL Constructors Canada Inc.; Garrett Olafson, Parkwest Projects Ltd.; Greg Hogan, Ernst Hansch Construction Ltd.; Mathew Gilbert, Superior Asphalt Paving Co. Ltd.; Kyle Batungbacal, Parkwest Projects Ltd.; Jared Lazaruk, PCL Constructors Canada Inc.; Samantha Lewis, Bockstael Construction Limited; Josh Bevan, Parkwest Projects Ltd.; Dylan Lavoie, Oakwood Roofing and Sheet Metal Co Ltd; Steven Froom, Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc.; Hunter Schenkeveld, Anthony Allan Furnishings; Matthew Clairmont, Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc.; Philip Lodder, Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc. Richard Slobodian, McCaine Electric Ltd.;
[Not pictured] Sedriq Badru, Temple Metal Roofs Ltd.; Tim Fehr
WCA Beer and Beanbags Recap
Over 70 WCA Members joined us in our warehouse on July 24 for our inaugural Beer and Beanbags Cornhole tournament. The sold out event was an absolute blast, as everyone in attendance got to play in at least four Cornhole matches with rotating partners, enjoyed some cold drinks and food from Smokin’ Bobs and had the chance to network in a fun, relaxed setting.
You can check out the photo album from the event here.
Congratulations to our winners, Matthew Moniz and Dylan Plett from Penn-co, and to our “Corn Star” raffle winner, Miguel Rebelo!
We wanted to give a special shoutout to Jason McNish from South Central Cornhole for running a fantastic event. You can find their website here, or reach out to Jason if you have any questions about running a similar event at
Province seeking feedback on Apprenticeship Changes
The Provincial Government has decided to proceed with a change to the apprenticeship ratio from 2:1 (Apprentice to Journeyperson) to 1:1. As a requirement for a regulation change, the Provincial government must publicly seek comment.
WCA has been a vocal opponent to this change due to the significant step backward this will be for workforce development and recruitment. Our comments to the provincial government to date have been that a reduction in the apprenticeship ratio will reduce the number of opportunities available for people wanting to enter the workforce and ultimately reduce the number of journeypersons in Manitoba.
We encourage you to submit your comments through the EngageMB portal to have your voice heard – you can do so at this link.
In order to fill out the survey, you will need to create an EngageMB account. You can do so at this link.
The WCA Newsletter for July 19
Catch up on the latest industry news and notes with the July 19 edition of The WCA Newsletter, now available here.
The WCA Newsletter for July 5
Catch up on the latest industry news and notes with The WCA Newsletter for July 5, available here.
The WCA Newsletter for June 21
The latest edition of The WCA Newsletter, featuring a story on the new WCA Awards Fund at MITT, is now available here.