Congratulations to the 2024 BST Graduates

WCA’s Building Supervisors for Tomorrow program has been giving up-and-coming and mid-level supervisors the knowledge and confidence they need to move into management roles for over a decade now, and we’re proud to see 25 supervisors from 15 different companies graduate from the program in 2024. These students completed ten different courses that helped them build people skills, technical skills and management skills that will be valuable as they move forward in their careers.
Congratulations to all the graduates! BST will return this October – keep an eye out for the 2024-25 Education Program launch for dates and more information.

Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
Alan Charbonneau, Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc.; Alex Hernandez, Normandeau Roofing Ltd.; Andrew Fehr, Econo Wall & Ceilings Ltd.; Brayde Klassen, Three Way Builders Ltd.; Dag Sinclair, Parkwest Projects Ltd.; Connor Demke, Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc.; Daniel Olson, CSAM; Kelly LaBelle, Troy Life & Fire Safety Ltd.; Graham Coolidge, McCaine Electric Ltd.; Jeremy Sawchyn, PCL Constructors Canada Inc.; Garrett Olafson, Parkwest Projects Ltd.; Greg Hogan, Ernst Hansch Construction Ltd.; Mathew Gilbert, Superior Asphalt Paving Co. Ltd.; Kyle Batungbacal, Parkwest Projects Ltd.; Jared Lazaruk, PCL Constructors Canada Inc.; Samantha Lewis, Bockstael Construction Limited; Josh Bevan, Parkwest Projects Ltd.; Dylan Lavoie, Oakwood Roofing and Sheet Metal Co Ltd; Steven Froom, Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc.; Hunter Schenkeveld, Anthony Allan Furnishings; Matthew Clairmont, Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc.; Philip Lodder, Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc. Richard Slobodian, McCaine Electric Ltd.;
[Not pictured] Sedriq Badru, Temple Metal Roofs Ltd.; Tim Fehr