Renovating our Brand

As a member of the construction industry, you know that renovation projects can be just as important as new builds. A well-done renovation can breathe new life into a building, bringing it in to modern times and extending its lifespan.
That’s the approach we’ve taken with our new branding. With the launch of WCA BuildWorks last week we realized we had the opportunity to modernize our brands and logos to better represent our mission and our membership.
With that in mind, we’re thrilled to introduce our updated logos for WCA, WCA BuildWorks and WCA BuildCast:

Our new WCA logo puts the emphasis on how you know us – as WCA – and on the entire membership by increasing the size of our “Together We Build Manitoba” tagline. While we are officially called the Winnipeg Construction Association, we represent all of Manitoba, and our new logo does a better job of representing that.
The new WCA BuildCast and WCA BuildWorks logos complement both our main logo and each other – representing the full suite of Construction Information Services we offer our membership.
You’ll start seeing these new logos on our materials as soon as next week. Rest assured that just because we have an updated look we’re still committed to providing you with the best in construction information, industry education, networking events and advocacy that you’ve grown to expect from us for more than 100 years.
Brand Assets for Members
A WCA Membership shows that you mean business. Want to let prospective clients or business partners know you’re a member? We encourage you to download and display our Member Badges on your website or social media pages.